Meet the team

Ihab Al Massry


Hassan Ahmed


Welcome to KeyJobs, where our mission is to connect talented professionals with dynamic companies across various industries. We believe the right people can make a transformative impact on any business, and we specialize in finding exceptional talent that aligns with your company's vision.

KeyJobs is powered by a dedicated and diverse team. With deep industry knowledge, we excel at identifying high-quality candidates across different fields, whether you're seeking top-tier engineers, creative designers, skilled marketers, or operational experts. We tailor our recruitment solutions to fit your unique needs, from startups to established enterprises.

Our approach is built on trust and long-term relationships. We leverage an extensive network and advanced technology to streamline your hiring process, saving you time and resources while delivering outstanding results.

At KeyJobs, we believe in building lasting relationships with both our clients and candidates. By leveraging our extensive network, we streamline the hiring process, saving you time and resources while delivering exceptional results.

Join us at KeyJobs and discover a recruitment partnership that puts your success first. Let us help you build the team you need to achieve your business goals with confidence.

Employer FAQs

How do I find a candidate for a role?

To find a candidate for your vacancy you can contact one of our consultants directly who will be able to assist in finding a suitable candidate for the role.

How do I advertise a vacancy?

Visit our recruiting page to find the quickest and easiest way to register your vacancy. Alternatively you can contact one of our consultants directly who will be able to assist in posting the vacancy

What type of vacancies do Keyjobs currently fill?

We currently only deal with permanent full time roles.

Why use a recruitment agency?

Recruitment agencies often have extensive networks and databases of candidates, giving you access to a wider pool of potential employees than you might find on your own.
Recruitment consultants are experts in finding the right candidates for specific roles. They can streamline the hiring process, saving you time and effort.
While there are fees associated with using a recruitment agency, the cost can be justified by the time and resources saved in the hiring process, especially for hard-to-fill positions.

Job Seeker FAQs

I have been put forward for a job vacancy by KeyJobs LTD and want to apply for another job vacancy through KeyJobs LTD, can that be done?

Yes! You can apply and be put forward for as many roles as we consider you suitable for. If you get an offer from more than one client, the decision will be yours as to which one you accept.

Will KeyJobs LTD send my CV to clients without contacting me?

We only present your details to a client after we have spoken to you about the vacancy, the company and and have agreed with yourselves to send an application forward

I have not been contacted after applying for a vacancy?

We acknowledge all applications, if we believe that you are suitable for the role then we will contact you to discuss the position as soon as possible. If we have not contacted you it could be that we have not received your CV or we felt that you may be unsuitable for the role but will retain your CV for other vacancies.

How do I find contact details for KeyJobs?

You can find full details for all contact information online on our website, please click the contact button on the banner.

I am having issues submitting my CV.

The most prominent issue when submitting a CV is the format, ensure the following The format is either .doc, .docx or PDF The format is in lower case .doc not .DOC Any CV/Portfolio submissions submit directly to our email for assessment.